Join the Good Life Haus

Join our community to rewire your habits, get to know your peack health, align with your purpose, and live a good life.

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A holistic community

In our community, we believe that The Good Life is not about just great food, family, parties, meditation, love, or making money. It's about a combination of all these things, and more. We are building on the Wheel of life as a framework for what it means to have a good life and created an environment that helps you get the most of all parts of the wheel.


Pillars of The Good Life

Our concept is based on three core pillars to make this happen

  • Figure 1
    Great people
    We are social animals. In all of our behavior we adjust to our community. Let's use this to our advantage and build a community enabling a great life.
  • Figure 7
    No distractions
    No cooking, no cleaning, no junk food, no need to check social media. We've removed all distractions so you can fully focus on finding and following your purposed
  • Figure 20
    The System™
    We're continuously improving The System™ for living together. It balances all parts of The Good Life so you don't have to worry about what to do, just trust the process.

Meet your new community

These people already confirmed that they'll join. Grab your spot before we're all booked.

  • Alexander Isora
    Alexander is passionate about web, tech and the startup industry. He's the driving force behind MarsX's innovative design solutions.
  • Adaline Clay
    UI & UX

    Adaline is much into beautiful UI. She loves her patagonian cactus called Hector. Adaline is much into beautiful UI. She loves her patagonian cactus called Hector.

  • Clarissa Stocks
    UI & UX
    When we need to do things both fast and good, we call Clarissa. She's a key player in developing MarsX's innovative design software solutions.
  • Ross Mithgol
    Ross can debug the code by the power of his mind. Dangerous man! He's instrumental in ensuring MarsX's software runs smoothly and efficiently.


We work hard

We work. Hard. We believe that to feel truly satisfied with life, we need a feeling of meaning and purpose, which often comes form the imapct we have through our work. We support you with this by providing a great work setup and a clear working routine.


We make our money work for us

We'll help you stop spending money on things that don't contribute to your goals like eating out, commuting, or shopping and reinvest that money in a great community, outsourcing chores like cleaning and cooking, and your savings.


We always keep growing

Part of a good life is to grow, to learn, to not be "stuck". The path is the goal. We will support you in this through regular mastermind events, peer coaching, and an environment where procrastination is harder than doing the work.


We aim for peak mental and physical health

What does peak health really feel like? Health is all about your environment and your habits, and we will help you to build the right ones. We will help you build a gym routine, only cater healthy food, build sleep habits, and do regular check-ins.


We live in The Haus

Our community is based in the countryside about one hour from the next largest city. This ensures that we can fully focus on ourselves and the community without being distracted by the temptations of a city. We're still scouting for places. Know a great one? Let us know!


We play hard

All work no play you say? That's not us. In the end, all life is play, and we will make sure to have lots of it in our community: Music jams, dance sessions, movie nights, spotify karaoke - whatever you're into, we'll make it happen.


We socialise without pressure

Introvert? Extrovert? Ambivert? Living in a community is for everybody because you can easily adjust based on how you're feeling in the moment. Feel like hanging out? There will be somebody else. Tired after dinner? Just chill alone and everybody will understand. No need to plan that dinner three weeks in advance and then feel like you can't leave for hours.


We practice love

Love is a verb. What does it mean to love your partner your family, your siblings, your pet? We want to explore together what it means to love our loved ones, how to express love, and how to make love a core of our lives.


We're not your average sex cult

Intimacy is key to a good life - we even have a hormone just for this. But when mixing intimacy with communities it's easy to get terrible results. This is why we put a lot of value on consent, have systems in place to prevent any unwanted intimacy, and yet aim to make intimacy part of our everyday lives.


We take spirituality seriously

No good cult without promising enlightenment. We believe that spirituality is a key part to the good life and are making time throughout each week for spiritual practice. We can guide you find your practice or provide the space for you to go deeper within a practice you might already have.


Experience the magic

Each stay starts on a Saturday to ensure we have smooth transitions

  • Figure 21

    One week

    For the curious
    • A great community
    • Your own room
    • An ergonomic work setup
    • Healthy food
    • Gym access
    • An onboarding call
  • Figure 8

    Two weeks

    To start building habits
    • All of the previous plan
    • A weekly coaching session
    • An accountability buddy
    • Weekly cleaning
  • Figure 6

    One month

    To see real change
    • All of the previous plans
    • One integration session after the stay
    • A detoxed body
    • A peaceful mind
    • A new friend
  • Figure 5

    Three months

    For a full transformation
    • All of the previous plans
    • Three integration sessions after the stay
    • Newly built habits
    • A lifelong community
    • An opportunity to join as a permanent resident

Theory of The Good Life

Still questions? Check out our blog to learn more about the thought process behind this lab.


The Wheel of Life as a framework for communes5 min read

Understand how we are using a holistic coaching tool to understand how community can support with The Good Life.

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The economics of communes5 min read

Living together leverages economics of scale that allow us to live a much better life than hustling alone.

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Why making friends in communes is so easy5 min read

Joining a group of strangers is a big step into the unkown. But communities are the easiest place to build new connections

Take the first step

All journeys start with a first step. Take it now and we'll support you with everything that follows.

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